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Frequently asked questions about
The EquiBiome Test
Welcome to the EquiBiome FAQs page. Here, you will find answers to the questions we get most often. If you’re wondering how to use our equine faecal test kits, or you want to know more about how worming can affect the test results, check out our frequently asked questions below.
The horse’s microbiome is a complex and fascinating ecosystem, and the EquiBiome Test can offer horse owners valuable insights into their horse’s hind gut health. The “Before Testing” section answers common questions about how to get the most accurate results out of the test and how to use the information it provides.
If your question is not listed below, or you require further guidance, please feel free to contact us.
How do I order an EquiBiome Test Kit?Visit our online shop to purchase your kit and be sure to choose either UK or International.
Should I take the test even if my horse appears to be fit and healthy?Many owners of healthy horses take the test to find out if the diet they are feeding is suitable for their horse, the report will indicate where future health problems might occur. It looks at the immune response and the gut wall integrity both are important for long term health and vitality.
How important are the gut bacteria for the health of the horse?An imbalance of the gut bacteria is linked to many common illnesses of horses, the most common being allergies, colic and colitis.
How can the test help to improve my horse’s performance?The test can help improve performance in several ways, the hind gut produces over 70% of the horses energy, the test will indicate whether the hind gut bacteria are providing sufficient energy and of the right kind. The test will also help to reduce dysbiosis which is a common cause of poor performance and discomfort.
Will the test be able to help me control my horse’s colic episodes?Every form of gastric disturbance including colic has been linked to the gut bacteria. Knowing how to manipulate the diet to reduce inflammation and improve the good gut bacteria will certainly improve the overall health of the biome.
Is the test suitable for any horse or pony?Yes absolutely suitable for all horses and ponies.
Can the test be used on my donkey or mule?Yes absolutely, the EquiBiome Test Kit is suitable for all equids.
What are the Biome Foods for?The Biome Foods contain prebiotics which help restore the good gut bacteria, providing them with food to help them increase. As the good gut bacteria increase the health of the biome and the gastrointestinal tract also increases. Many horses have low levels of good gut bacteria
Can I start using the Biome Food without taking a test?We always advise taking the test before starting your horse on the Biome Food, its better to know exactly what is going to work the best, the report gives an accurate analysis and the Biome Foods are formulated to match the Biome of your horse.
Can I worm my horse before taking the test?Wormers can cause inflammation of the hind gut, with a rise in the pathogenic bacteria, we can and do make adjustments but its better is you worm after taking the faecal sample for the Equibiome test.
Can I do the test whilst my horse is on antibiotics or has been given antibiotics recently?Yes, you can, antibiotics do make a difference to the biome, but it’s better to find out how your horse’s gut bacteria have been affected and make the dietary adjustments needed to restore a healthy biome.
How do I use the EquiBiome Test Kit once it arrives?You will find full instructions inside your kit which are easy to follow or you can find Step by Step instructions in the next question. Using the gloves and tweezers provided, collect a sample from your horse’s fresh droppings and secure in the test tube. When returning the sample, please ensure the correct postage is attached to the returning kit; incorrect postage can cause long delays. When buying multiple tests, please keep a list of the horses linked to the number of the test tube, we can only number the test tube and log them in against the owner.
How do I open the Biohazard Bag?The Biohazard Bag contains the Bead Tube that you need to put the faecal sample in. If you turn the bag over you will see a white oblong at the top of the envelope, if you look closely you will see a slit which you need to prise open as in the image. The ‘zipper’ can then be opened and the Bead Tube can be taken out.
What Do I Do with the Safety Bag?The Safety Bag is part of the UN regulations that allow for the transportation of Biological samples. Once the Bead Tube is back inside the Biohazard bag, you then need to place both inside the safety bag.
How long will the sample last once in the preserving fluid within the Bead Tube?Once in the fluid the sample will last for 6 months if kept cool, best if kept in a fridge.
How long will it take to receive my horse’s test results?At the moment results will be returned to you within 8-10 weeks. As we increase test runs we hope to reduce this time down to 4-6weeks.
1. Fresh is BestThe microbiome is home to trillions of bacteria which can decompose rapidly. Fresh faeces produce the best results.
2. Sample SizeThe sample we need is only very small, it’s better to put less, than more, in the sample tube as it must be covered by the liquid to remain viable.
3. Keep it CleanWear the sterilised gloves or thoroughly wash hands first as human rRNA can create a false profile of the biome.
4. Secure TightlyEnsure that the lid of the sample test-tube is tightened securely before putting it into the UN3373 and Biohazard packaging.
5. Return to UsThe return envelope does not include postage, please put a large letter stamp on it or send track and sign.
What if I am unsure about what my test results mean?The report we send to you will be very detailed and whilst we make every effort to explain the results you may wish to discuss further. We encourage you to join the EquiBiome member’s lounge on Facebook and get in touch with us if you are not sure about how to implement the recommendations.
Will I need to do a retest?We recommend a retest for horses with a prior history of chronic gastric discomfort, a history of gastric ulcer, allergies or laminitis or those with dysbiosis. The retest is different to the first test as we look for improvements in the biodiversity of the biome and the increase in the numbers of good gut bacteria. If you want to do a direct comparison with the first test please select a new test rather than a retest.
Do I need to discuss the test with my vet?We can advise you upon receiving your results as to whether or not you should involve your vet. By all means tell them about the test and keep them updated.
What kind of changes might I need to make following the test?The report may suggest changes in the diet ie increasing certain herbs, plants and supplements to improve the pH of the gut and help reduce inflammation. You may also be advised to give pro or prebiotics to help rebalance the gastrointestinal tract. We have a long history in the research of prebiotic compounds, found in the range of Biome Food on the website shop.
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